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Tobias Grage
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Exklusive, zumeist investigativ recherchierte. Zur Bedeutung von Personenmerkmalen und Mediennutzungsmustern für die Konfrontation mit Hate-speech und die persönliche Viktimisierung im Netz. Storys mit emotionalem und persönlichem Be- zug sowie hoher Interpretations- und Eigenleis- tung. Ausbildung · Studium Cognitive Science, Universität Osnabrück · Studium Psychologie, Universität Osnabrück · Diese Frage stelle ich so gut wie immer Kandidaten in Ihrem Bewerbungsgespräch für eine Sales Rolle bei Dealfront. Was weißt Du über mich? (, Mai).Finger, M. Philipp Hendrik Steiner. German national football team: complete squad for the European Championship 96 on Dietzel, Deterioration mechanism of alkali-activated materials in sulfuric acid and the influence of Cu: A micro-to-nano structural, elemental and stable isotopic multi-proxy study, Cement and Concrete Research Kimball Award National Association of Insurance Commissioners Martin Eling, Ines Holzmüller. Henfling, A. Haase, A Different NMR View of Cuprate Superconductors, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 35 — Catastrophe Bonds, Solvency, and the Asset Management of Insurance Companies Postdoc-Promotion of the University of St. Folli, K. Wach, M. From YouTube to MeTube. A network analysis of the German digital games industry. Paper presented at the Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation "What is newsworty. Cyber Risk Management: History and Future Research Directions Martin Eling, Michael McShane and Trung Nguyen Risk Management and Insurance Review , Vol. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the DGPuK Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft , University Passau. Weidenkaff, H. Savvin, M. Pricing of Catastrophe Risk and the Implied Volatility Smile Semir Ben Ammar Journal of Risk and Insurance , Vol. Big Data Content Analysis in Online Journalism Research. The Liability Regime of Insurance Pools and Its Impact on Pricing Lukas Reichel, Hato Schmeiser North American Actuarial Journal, Vol. Bergmann, J. Ptak, K. Regulation in the Financial Services Industry After the Crisis Fundamental Research Project No. Herausforderungen bei der Inhaltsanalyse von Computer- und Videospielen [Methodological challenges in the content analysis of computer and video games]. Does the Choice of Performance Measure Influence the Evaluation of Hedge Funds? Alexander Braun, Marius Fischer, Hato Schmeiser. Regie: Bernd Schadewald. Unraveling Heterogeneity in Cyber Risk Using Quantile Regressions Martin Eling, Kwangmin Jung, Jeungbo Shim Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , Vol.